production music

The most challenging part of this project so far has been the music. Why is this? Well, for many reasons. For starters discussing what music we want to use for teh project. The group talked for a while about what we would choose. We narrowed it down to a couple dicissions. It was between seperate waty by journey. Hall of fame by the script. And Im a survior by destinys child. We then dicided we did not like that latter option. It did not match the aesthetic we were going for. THen i had to email the artists and labels asking for permission. I also messaged them on social media platforms. Sadly,
none of them got back. This is when the process got challenging. I had to make the final decision to use royalty free music. I spent hours looking for the perfect songs to use. I landed on a couple. I decided to use them interchangebaly. Then i had to lay the music into the video. Then line it up with the clips. And mix the volumes to match.


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