production review

our first day of filiming went well. after filming i looked over the clips. I was looking for a couple of things. Ways to tweak the movie and make it better. I was looking for any mistakes. Anything that needed to be redone. Camera angles. And diffrenernt creative avenues i can take with the cinematography. overall, i liked th ediresntion we were taking. I looked over the story board again and thought of what we should fillm next. The next step is discussing when we could film next. We need our fried zane to use his house to film. He has a indoor gym that would be perfect for two of our training scenes. they are alwasys a lot of fhurdles when deciding a schedule. Then another scene we could film is the one where Jade, out group mate, is the therapist. This scene is very dialoauge heavy. This means that the actors will have to spend time memorizing theri lines. I am a little worried. I am worried that we will bw to cramped for time. A 5 minuete movie is a lot longer then the 2 minuete one we did last year. so a lot more planningneeds to be done to prepare. BUt i am optimistic.


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