Comparing Le Jetee, the short, and 12 Monkeys, the full-length movie

Le Jetee and the remake of 12 Monkeys share many similarities, as you'd expect from the remake label, but they're also completely different in how they're produced and presented on screen. Le Jetee is an odd movie in that it's not really a fluid movie, but rather a still-image photonovel about a post-nuclear war time travel experiment. 12 Monkeys, on the other hand, is a movie about a prisoner sent back in time to gather information about a man-made virus that wiped out most of the planet's population. Both films can be extended to the sci-fi genre as many films are set in a futuristic world with time travel. One of the biggest takeaways from this video is that as long as the remake is done right, you can live with the feel of the original movie. This is relevant to our project in that we can take certain aspects of a well-made film and use them as inspiration and guidelines for our project to create a film that resembles Hollywood-level cinematic production. doing. Other information gleaned from watching this video is mixing genres to create a more dramatic atmosphere. Using the example of the movie 12 Monkeys, the video shows how to take a sci-fi thriller and incorporate aspects of doomed romance to dramatic and emotional effect. I think we can incorporate that into our films in some way to add emotion to our films.


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