
1. After a career threatening injury,the former atheltic superstar battles his emotions. 2. a man finds something mysterious in the woods, what it is may haunt him forever. 3. she dosent like her moms new boyfriend, but what she dosent know is much more horrifying then she can anticipate. After debating these pitches as a group. we finally were able to chose one. We went with the first pitch. As a group we were all able to realte and connect to this idea more. Each one of us love sports, and are intrested in the subject. Making a project off of something that we are aactually intrestred in would lead to a better result. THe other two pitches, in comparison, were boring and seemed almost cliched. We felt we could take our first pitch and have more creative freeway were we can create a project that is unique, and unique to us. Each member was excited when we came up with this idea, much more then the rest, becuase we believe we can draw much more inpiration for this project. Overall i am very excited to see how it will turn out.


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