
Hello I am Ayden Marshall. I live in Fort Lauderdale Florida, where I was born and raised. I have many interests, I play music and listen to it, a lot. I also am very interested in movies. Me and my mom watch a new movie almost every night. This is part in why I chose this course. Another thing I enjoy is to play tennis. A lot of the time I spend is put into my hobbies. I am very excited for this upcoming project. I enjoy movies very much and making one is a big interest to me. I am also anticipating challenges along the way. These challenges will help me grow and gain knowledge. As well as making the best movie intro possible. My favorite genres of movies are thrillers and slow burning phycological movies. I also enjoy independent films a lot. Whenever I want to find a good movie to watch I look for Sundance film festival winners for independent films. Some of my favorite movies are, City of God, The Lighthouse, Whiplash, and Parasite. I believe that the intro to the movie will represent my intrests. I will use what I have learned throughout the year to make the best project possible. In my other video projects i learend how to properly blog, plan, reaserach, edit, ect. I will use all the techniques and make the most perfect project I possible can.


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