Showing posts from April, 2022
Final product
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Here is the final product. i am very satistfied in all i did. overll i think there could have been improvemnets on everyones part. i spent a lot of time on this and felt that wasnt reflected by others. on thing is our group could have had better planning. some memebers did not value the importance of filimg. so it took to long to get everything filmed. i believe i did not use the right software to edit. the prcess coild have been much smoother if i used a better application.however, i am very satisfied woth our work.
peer review
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The process of making my movie is almost done. There is only a couple steps left. On of them being the peer review process. For this process i need, friends, fanily, and classmates to watch my short film. They will then give contructive feedback on it. This can include, thier opinon. What they think is missing. And what they think you can add. Some people werent as helpful as others. The first person i showed was my mom. Out of motherly love she just told me it was great. Not to much help. SO i showed my brother. He told me that the pacing felt off. I aggred. Then I showed my classmates. The first classmate i showed told me that he thought he transitions were wierd. I aggred. Then i showed another Classmate. He mantioned how the footsteps did not line up with the video.
Music journey
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The most challenging part of this project so far has been the music. Why is this? Well, for many reasons. For starters discussing what music we want to use for teh project. The group talked for a while about what we would choose. We narrowed it down to a couple dicissions. Redbone by childish Gambino. Willowcrest by buddy rich. And Xtal by aphex twin. We then dicided we did not like that latter option. It did not match the aesthetic we were going for. THen i had to email the artists and labels asking for permission. I also messaged them on social media platforms. Sadly, none of them got back. This is when the process got challenging. I had to make the final decision to use royalty free music. I spent hours looking for the perfect songs to use. I landed on a couple. I decided to use them interchangebaly. Then i had to lay the music into the video. Then line it up with the clips. And mix the volumes to match.