
I have already started editing the first scene. But i need to complete it. Today i did a lot of editing. I however could not finish it. I did make serious headway. I started working soon after i woke up. i placed the first video into the editin software. I relized a problem i would have is that i cant email myself more then one video at a time. This is a probelm becuase it means the process would take more time. After eamiling myself the videos, and laying them into the software i watched to see how the clips trasistion. Some worked some were not smooth. The next thing i did was make sure everything transiitioned smoothly. Another probelm i noticed was the audio, with the music and sounds from the clips, there were things you could not hear. To fix this i had to add sound effects, adn seprerate the sounds from the clips. I had to equalize the sounds. As well as mix the volumes to match. Once i did this i watced the video over again. And again. And again. I noticed a problem i had was t...