TO record the rest of the video we as a group decided to go to the beach. There are multiple scenes that need to be shot here, including Trevor getting out of the car. Trevor running. And, trevor and sydni running to each other. After this day of filmin only two more scenes needed to be shot. Then we will begin on the diting progress. When we got to teh beach i filmied Trevor getting out of his car, i used a paning motion to follow him. Then using a tracking shot i followed him as he ran. IN a wide angle we wathced Trevor run across the screen. Then to a close up of him stoping to run. THis was followed by me recording him and sydni running to each other. To do this i used a pannung motion. a wide shot, adn a close up. The close up at the end displayed the resolving emotion conveyed by the message of the music video. I am very confidant in what we have and am excited to start editing . I am very eager to see how it will turn out.