1.Conventions we use are using a slow song in the background to enhance the emotions of our audience. in most commercials they have limited charcters due to time adn budgets, ours only had three. we are targetin gthe audience o fkids who need extra help in school, which is a very large number. We used very simple camera technuiques like over the shoulder shots, zoom, pan, tilt, and an extreme close up. Extreme close up shots are not very common in commerciasl so in that sense we ae showing extra emotion by breaking that convention. 2. Our product engadges the audience in multiple ways. I believe the dialouge used engades the audience becuase you get to listen to the actors voices adn hear thier emotions. I also believe the music enadges the audience. Proper music sets the tone and the mood. The more depressing music when the actor fails the test, the suspensful music when he takes the test, and the uplifing music when he passes and at the logo all help convey this and engade the audie...